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Giving In to the Spirit

By: Jojie Ann Panton

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5 (NIV)


My co-missionary who is living just 30 minutes away from my mission field asked me to give a Bible study to her Filipina neighbor whom she has been friends with for quite sometime. This lady is married to a Korean man. My missionary friend arranged the schedule for the said appointment. When the time for the visitation came, I was so exhausted that I felt so lazy to do it. My friend called me several times but I had a lot of alibis. After a few minutes I prayed that God would guide me. I felt so guilty. The Holy Spirit was working in my heart but my rebellious mind kept on reasoning out that I wasn’t ready and that I needed more time to choose the topic for the Bible study. But eventually I gave in; I surrendered my concerns to Him. I prayed and asked God to lead me in finding the main verse for the topic that I wanted to share. After praying, I simply flipped the pages of the Bible and I instantly found the exact verse I was looking for.
During the Bible study, I praised God because she responded positively. She was delighted that we shared with her a lot of things about God. She believed everything we shared. She even shared her testimony related to the topic we had studied. She now goes to church every Sabbath upon my friend’s invitation. Praise and glory be to God.

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