The Role of a Friend

by Merrybelle Busaing (28th Batch)

 Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 (NIV)

When you hear the word friend, you may think of someone who is loyal, true, loving, understanding, etc. Otherwise, you may think of betrayal, rejection, deceit and other heartbreaking identification of a person.

The Bible has a lot to say about a friend. The book of Proverbs says that a friend is always loyal and a real friend sticks closer than a brother. In the book of Samuel, we can read the friendship of David and Jonathan. This is so wonderful due to the fact that the two were very different from each other. Jonathan was the son of Saul and a prince, an apparent heir of the Kingdom. On the other hand, David was a shepherd. Jonathan put his life in danger for his friend’s sake, warning him against the king (his own father), who wanted to take David’s life. The book of Lamentations states the song composed by David when Jonathan died. That song is called, “The Song of the Bow.”

But the greatest friendship ever known is the friendship that was displayed in the “Place of Skull” when our Saviour Jesus Christ was hanged on the cross for everyone. The book of John talks about this great love that made Him lay down His life for His friends.

Let’s consider our role for Him. What can we do for our Great Friend?